Sub tutela Beatissimæ Virginis Mariæ, Dei Matris almæ, et
sub protectione omnium Angelorum et Sanctorum, et sub speciali invocatione
quem nobis in Patronum ac patrem seligimus spiritualem, quum fuerit Summo Pontifici sincerrime deditus Fidei Catholicæ defensor acerrimus in exponendis Sacris Scripturis doctor eximius vitæ spiritualis verbo et opere magister præclarus atque Latinitatis Ecclesiasticæ auctor uberrimus,
in festo Beatissimæ Virginis Mariæ de Monte Carmelo die 16
mensis Julii A.D. 1989 nos infrascripti condidimus consociationem quam
appellare voluimus
Ab summa pagina
Cujus consociationis sodales fieri possunt omnia fidei Romanæ Catholicæ homines, qui una nobiscum in hunc finem sibi constituendum consentiant, ut
Sincerum amorem erga Summum Pontificem et filialem obdientiam erga ejus Supremum Magisterium Ecclesiasticum profiteantur;
Vitam spiritualem quæ ad intimam cum Deo unionem conducit secundum tot Sanctorum doctrinam et eorum vestigia sequentes intense et fideliter colant;
Linguam Latinam vivam, Romanæ Ecclesiæ propriam, sedulo studio et cotidianis exercitiis ita discere satagant, ut tandem facile et expedite tum Latine scripta legere, quum et cogitare et loqui et scribere Latine valeant.
Ab summa pagina
- De unione spirituali cum Summo Pontifice
Omnes Familiæ Sancti Hieronymi sodales
- pro posse documenta a Summo pontifice edita fideliter legant;
ea quæ a Summo Pontifice in gubernanda Ecclesia aguntur perspecta habeant;
orationes pro Summo Pontifice cotidie fundant.
De vita spirituali convenienter alenda
Omnibus Familiæ Sancti Hieronymi sodalibus, ut vitam spiritualem convenienter alant præter sanctæ Missæ sacrificium, sanctam communionem et frequentem peccatorum confessionem exercitia spiritualia quæ sequuntur enixe commendantur:
- Lectura spiritualis sive lectio divina, nempe conveniens tempus cotidianum quo meditative sive contemplative, id est lente et in spiritu orationis tum Sacra Scriptura quum Scripta Sanctorum ita legantur, ut paulatim nobis in succum et sanguinem transeant;
Oratio mentalis, intima nempe semper et ubique possibilis conversio animæ ad Deum; quæ oratio et lectionem spiritualem præcedat oportet et ex ea profluat et magis magisque in diem perduret;
Inter ceteras orandi formas primum locum obtinet sanctum Marianum Rosarium, quo maxima fidei nostræ mysteria in unione cum Beatissima Virgine Dei Genitrice Maria a nobis recoluntur; accedat, in quantum possibile sit, recitatio Liturgiæ Horarum sive ex toto sive ex parte quam quisque sibi pro posse selegerit (verbi gratia, Laudes, Vesperæ, Completorium).
De studio et usu linguæ Latinæ
Ut omnia Familiæ Sancti Hieronymi sodales in cogitando et loquendo, in legendo et scribendo paulatim ad facilem et expeditum linguæ Latinæ usum perveniant, firma spe freti memores illius proverbii "GUTTA CAVAT LAPIDEM" cotidiana exercitia nunquam omittant.
Hæc autem exercitia se extendunt ad ea quæ sequuntur:
- Illa Familiæ Sancti Hieronymi sodales, quæ nullum hucusque vel fere nullum habent linguæ Latinæ usum, varios adhibeant "Cursus linguæ Latinæ vivæ" sive manualia in hunc finem edita, sive etiam Latinas Romanæ pronuntiationis capsas magnetophonicas, ut linguam Latinam vivam discere valeant.
In quantum possibile sit, omnia Familiæ Sancti Hieronymi sodales Summi Pontifici Encyclicas et Litteras Apostolicas, Documenta Concilii Vaticani II et cetera ecclesiastica documenta Latine legant.
Pro lectione quoque spirituali Bibliam adhibeant editionis Vulgatæ Latinæ; itemque Latine legant sanctos Patres Ecclesiæ, itemque medii ævi sanctos vitæ spiritualis atque Ecclesiæ, itemque medii ævi sanctos vitæ spiritualis atque veræ theologiæ Catholicæ magistros, inter quos summus eminet sanctus Thomas Aquinas.
Sanctum Rosarium Marianum, Liturgiam Horarum, ceterasque preces privatim fusas Latine recitent; occasiones vero assistendi sanctis Missis Latine celebratis ne omittant; immo, ubi hoc sine lite et bello et odio pacifice fieri potest, ipsi quoque, ut sanctæ Missæ Latine celebrentur, occasione data humanissime proponant.
Inde ab initio omnes satagant acquirere consuetudinem Latine cogitandi et ea quæ jam sciunt Latine exprimendi.
Ab summa pagina
Familiæ Sancti Hieronymi compago et dispositio organica quum Romanæ Catholicæ fidei homines utriusque sexus, omnis ætatis, cunctorum ordinum vel officiorum vel munerum, universarum quoque nationum ad hanc Familiam attracti et vocati esse possint sat ampla et diversis vitæ condicionibus adaptanda sit oportet.
- De Cenaculis Sancti Hieronymi
- Hæc tota et universalis Familia Sancti Hieronymi in partes dividitur, quæ singulæ certum numerum sodalium et aliquam ubi hæc sodales congregentur sedem comprehendunt. Hæ partes singulæ atque earum sedes appellantur
- Universa Cenacula Sancti Hieronymi, quæ juxta locorum condiciones ceterasque circumstantias sat varia esse possunt, secundum præcipuam earum indolem et structuram in tria distinguuntur genera : Cenacula enim Sancti Hieronymi sunt alia ORDINARIA, alia SCHOLASTICA, alia tandem MONASTICA. Quæ tria genera , in circulis quasi concentricis disposita, totam Familiam Sancti Hieronymi constituunt.
- De Cenaculis Sancti Hieronymi Ordinariis
- Ubi aliquot Familiæ Sancti Hieronymi sodales in quadam vicinia habitant, pro posse satagant statutis temporibus in loco apto convenire, ut et in communi Latine orent et inter se Latine colloquantur. In locis ubi fieri potest, convenit ut communiter assistant sanctæ Missæ sacrificio Latine celebrando, secundum normam capite II, paragrapho 3, littera d hac de re datam. Hæ aliquot sodalium Familiæ Sancti Hieronymi congregationes atque earum sedes appellantur
- Quamvis ordinarie unumquemque sodalem Familiæ Sancti Hieronymi alicui Cenaculo adscribatur atque cum ceteris hujus Cenaculi sodalibus in statuta sede congregetur statutis temporibus, tamen ex Familia Sancti Hieronymi non excluduntur illi, qui a ceteris hujus Familiæ sodalibus ita sejuncti vivunt, ut propter distantiam locorum ad nullam alicujus Cenaculi sedem se conferre possint.
Qui in talibus circumstantiis versantur, Familiæ Sancti Hieronymi adhærere et ejus sodales esse possunt, dummodo fideliter observent ea quæ capitibus I et II hujus Constitutionis de sodalium obligationibus dicta sunt. Insuper ligamen et unionem cum Familia Sancti Hieronymi, quocumque modo possunt, colant atque sustentent.
- De Cenaculis Sancti Hieronymi Scholasticis
- Optandum est ut adjuvante Dei gratia secundum diversas locorum conditiones
quoque condantur, talia nempe ubi activitates permanentes fini hujus consociationis consentaneæ exerceri possunt, communi quorundam saltem sodalium labore sustinendæ, uti sunt:
- Tota Familia Sancti Hieronymi hæc Cenacula Scholastica magni faciat, atque Cenacula quoque Ordinaria his Cenaculis Scholasticis adjutorio esse et illis pro posse operam dare satagant.
- De Cenaculis Sancti Hieronymi Monasticis
- Centrum totius Familiæ Sancti Hieronymi constituitur ab illis qui, a Deo vocati, in una domo simul in communi viventes solis orationibus et studiis sacris vacant. Singulæ hujus generis communitates appellantur
- Harum communitatum sodales non tantum in orationibus et studiis sacris, sed etiam in cotidianis laboribus et colloquiis sola lingua Latina utantur.
Ceterum hæc Cenacula Sancti Hieronymi Monastica reguntur propria ipsorum Regula et Normis propriis, secundum præscripta Codicis Juris Canonici, congrua congruis referendo.
Ab summa pagina
- De Sede
- Sedes totius consociationis quæ « Familia Sancti Hieronymni » nuncupatur nisi posteriore tempore aliter videbitur pro nunc ille intelligitur locus ubi hæc consociatio condita est, nempe Aquæ Claræ Floridianæ (i.e., Clearwater, Florida, U.S.A.)
Hanc Sedem totius Familiæ Sancti Hieronymi in alium locum transferre competit auctoritati Consilii Generalis.
Ad auctoritatem Consilii Generalis quoque pertinet quæstionem de Sede aliter definire atque, præter Sedem principalem et sub illa, Sedes forte regionales erigere et quid illis competat statuere.
- De Regimine
- Toti Familiæ Sancti Hieronymi paterne præest PRÆSES GENERALIS, cui in munere assistunt DUO CONSILIARII. Qui tres una simul CONSILIUM GENERALE efficiunt. Consilium Generale jus habet alios quoque sodales sibi in hoc munus asciscendi.
Ab ipso Consilio Generali omnia negotia ad totam Familiam Sancti Hieronymi attinentia expediuntur. Item a Consilio Generali ad negotia expedienda alii quoque officiales nominari possunt.
Si unus ex sodalibus Consilii Generalis vel justa de causa officio renuntiaverit vel vita functus fuerit, a ceteris Consilii Generalis sodalibus nominatur substitutus.
In singulis Cenaculis Sancti Hieronymi negotia omnia in spiritu veræ familiæ in quantum fieri potest concorditer et collegialiter expediantur.
Ad regimen Cenaculorum Sancti Hieronymi Monasticorum quod attinet, servantur leges Codicis Juris Canonici atque Normæ propriæ a competenti Ecclesiæ auctoritate approbandæ.
- De aggregatione sodalium atque de fidelitatis proposito et promissione
- Qui homines Familiæ Sancti Hieronymi nomen dare atque ei ut sodales aggregari possint, capite I, paragraphis 1 3 hujus Constitutionis statutum est.
Candidatus incipit esse sodalis Familiæ Sancti Hieronymi a die quo rescriptum aggregationis a Concilio Generali datum est.
Novus sodalis, quum rescriptum aggregationis petit, adjuvante Deo triplicem hujus Familiæ Sancti Hieronymi finem fideliter prosequendum promittat; quod fidelitatis propositum in corde suo frequenter renovare consuescat.
Unumquemque Familiæ Sancti Hieronymi sodalem, postquam per triennium triplici hujus consociationis fini fideliter adhæsit, promissionem suam in quodam cenaculo Sancti Hieronyml, aliis Familiæ Sancti Hieronymi Sodalibus præsentibus, publice recitando sollemniore ritu renovet atque confirmet.
Formula autem promissionis est hæc: « Adjuvante Deo Omnipotenti, Beatissimæ Virgini Mariæ atque Sancto Hieronymo, patrono nostro, ego promitto
- imprimis sincerum amorem et filialem obdientiam erga Summum Pontificem ejusque Supremum Magisterium,
deinde studium vitam spiritualem quæ ad intimam cum Deo unionem conducit secundum tot Sanctorum doctrinam et eorum vestigia sequens intense et fideliter colendi,
tandem studium cotidianis exercitiis bene discendi et usu provehendi linguam Latinam vivam, Ecclesiæ propriam. »
- Aggregatio ad Familiam Sancti Hieronymi cessat:
- libera declaratione sodales se consociationem relinquere velle;
- dimissione a Consilio Generali justa de causa alicui sodali intimata.
- De bonis temporalibus
- Tota Familia Sancti Hieronymi jus habet acquirendi, possidendi, administrandi bona temporalia. Hæc bona in utilitatem totius consociationis administrantur a Consilio Generali quo tota Familia Sancti Hieronymi repræsentatur.
Unumquodque Cenaculum Sancti Hieronymi bona temporalia acquirere, possidere, administrare potest; de modo, quo hæc bona administrentur, singula Cenacula decidere valeant.
Si Familia Sancti Hieronymi dissolvitur, ejus bona in possesionem alius Instituti Religiosi a Concilio Generali in actu dissolutionis determinandi transferuntur.
- De normis particularibus
- Consilum Generale minutas normas vel regulationes particulares, quæ ei opportunæ videbuntur, edere potest.
Datum apud AQUAS CLARAS FLORIDIANAS, in Sollemnitate Beatissimæ Virginis Mariæ de Monte Carmelo, A. D. MCMLXXXIX.
/s/ Pater Suitbertus a Sancto Joanne a Cruce, O.C.D.
/s/ Joannes G. Halisky
(Juxta canonem 322 Codicis Juris Canonici approbatum ab Episcopo John C. Favalora, Dicesis Petropolitanæ Floridianæ, rescripto dato die 5 Decembris 1990.)
Ab summa pagina
Declaramus ea quæ capite III hujus Constitutionis sub numero 2, litteris b et c dicuntur, ita intelligenda esse ut pleno jure sodales Familiæ Sancti Hieronymi fieri possint omnia Catholicæ fidei personæ quæ nobiscum consentiunt in triplicem finem hujus Familiæ, nempe ut
- sincerum amorem et filialem obdientiam erga Summum Pontificem profiteantur;
vitam spiritualem quæ ad intimam cum Deo unionem conducit secundum Sanctorum exempla fideliter colant;
linguam Latinam vivam, Ecclesiæ propriam, magni æstiment.
Non ergo requiritur a singulis ut
- per singulos dies intensis exercitiis Latinis ita dediti sint ut hanc linguam mox perfecte calleant. Sufficit enim alta æstimatio hujus linguæ, quæ est Ecclesiæ propria, et inquantum sine incommodo fieri potest studium discendi saltem pauca, verbi gratia, quosdam textus sanctæ Missæ et quosdam cantus liturgicos.
Neque requiritur a singulis sodalibus ut
- ullam activitatem specialem sibi assumant ad quam se impares sentiunt.
Neque requiritur (ut jam capite III, numero 2, littera b hujus Constitutionis explicite dictum est) ut
- singula sodales statutis temporibus conveniant vel ad quoddam cenaculum in aliquo loco erectum pertineant. Sufficit ut, quocumque modo possint, ligamen et unionem præsertim spiritualem cum tota Familia Sancti Hieronymi colant et ea quæ capitibus I et II dicta sunt ad mentem DECLARATIONIS ALTERIUS servent.
Ab summa pagina
Declaramus ea quæ capite II, numeris l, 2, et præsertim 3 (de studio et usu linguæ Latinæ), dicta sunt non intelligenda esse in sensu enumeratione taxative quæ singulis sodalibus omnia ibidem enumerata facienda imponit.
Nisi enim agatur de illis mediis ad vitam spiritualem alendam quæ omnes Catholicæ fidei homines obligant (uti sunt sanctæ Missæ sacrificium, sacramentalis confessio, sancta communio, obligatio orandi et cetera hujusmodi); enumeratio mediorum ad triplicem hujus Familiæ finem consequendum ita intelligenda est ut agatur de exemplis e quibus singuli sibi seligant ea quæ et fini nostro consentanea et sibimet ipsis convenientia sint.
Quod autem ad linguam Latinam discendam attinet, in Declaratione Authentica Prima rem ita definivimus ut nemo principiis Familiæ Sancti Hieronymi consentiens exclusus sit ne sodalis fieri possit.
Quicumque vero patienti et per severanti studio ad majorem vel etiam perfectum linguæ Latinæ usum pervenire possit, studia ne omittat, sed singulis diebus saltem ad breve tempus eis fideliter incumbat. Sacerdotes vero, nostræ Familiæ sodales, memores sint canonis 249 novi Codicis Juris Canonici qui illis præscribit ut linguam Latinam bene calleant.
⇧ Versio Latina ⇧
With the Blessed Virgin Mary Mother of God, as our Guardian, with all the Angels and Saints as our protectors, and with the special invocation of
whom we select as our patron Saint and spiritual Father, for he was with all his heart devoted to the Holy Father, a strong defender of the Catholic Faith, the greatest exponent of Holy Scripture, by his writings and by the example of his life a renowned teacher of the spiritual life, and an eminent author of ecclesiastical Latin, on the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, July 16, 1989, we founded the association which we have wished to call the
All faithful Roman Catholics may become members of this association who agree to dedicate themselves to the following ends:
Sincere love for the Holy Father and a devoted obedience to His Supreme Magisterium;
Intense commitment to the spiritual life, striving to union with God according to the teaching and the example of so many Saints;
Diligent study and use of the Latin language, the living language of the Roman Catholic Church, in order to arrive at a sound command of the language in reading, thinking, speaking and writing.
- Spiritual union with the Holy Father.
All members of the Familia Sancti Hieronymi
- should faithfully read the documents issued by the Holy Father, to the best of their ability;
should be well informed about the activities of the Holy Father;
should never forget to pray daily for the Holy Father.
The commitment to the spiritual life.
Besides the Holy Mass, Holy Communion, and frequent sacramental confession of their sins, the following spiritual exercises are also highly recommended to the members of the Familia Sancti Hieronymi:
- spiritual reading or “lectio divina”, that is, a sufficient time every day for reading Holy Scripture or the works of the Saints, in a spirit of meditation and contemplation, prayerfully and without haste, so that the meaning of these texts may gradually become part of us;
mental prayer, that is, the turning of our heart to God whenever and wherever possible; which prayer should not only precede our spiritual reading but also flow out of it and remain throughout the whole day;
among other forms of prayer the Holy Rosary holds the highest place; in this prayer we meditate together with the Blessed Virgin and Mother of God on all the essential mysteries of our faith. Each member should also make an effort to recite daily the Liturgy of the Hours, or at least a part of it, such as Laudes (Lauds), Vesperæ (Vespers), or Completorium (Compline).
Study and use of the Latin language.
In order to attain an easy command of the Latin language in thinking and speaking, in reading and writing, every member of the Family of Saint Jerome should be faithful to the daily practice of Latin and should never become discouraged in learning, knowing the proverb, “Little droplets will gradually wear away a rock” (GUTTA CAVAT LAPIDEM).
These daily exercises would extend to the following:
- To those who have only a limited knowledge of Latin, or no knowledge at all, the study of our Course on the Living Latin Language is recommended, or other manuals for beginners, and the use of Latin cassettes (those with Roman pronunciation) in order to obtain contact with the living, spoken Latin language from the very beginning.
As much as possible, all members of the Familia Sancti Hieronymi should read the Encyclicals and Apostolic Letters of the Holy Father, the documents of Vatican Council II, and other official documents of the Church in Latin.
For the “lectio divina” they should use the Latin Bible, and read in the original Latin text the works of the Church Fathers and the Saints who taught the spiritual life and true theology during and after the Middle Ages – among them first of all St. Thomas Aquinas.
The Holy Rosary, the Liturgia Horarum, and other prayers should be said in Latin. Occasions for participating in the Holy Mass celebrated in Latin should never be omitted. Indeed the members of the Family of Saint Jerome might request that there be more Masses celebrated in Latin, so long as this is done in a spirit of peace and without causing quarrels and discord.
From the very beginning every member should try to acquire the habit of thinking in Latin and expressing himself in this language as much as he can.
Because the Family of Saint Jerome is open to all Roman Catholics, of both sexes, of every age, of all professions and vocations, and in all nations throughout the world, it is appropriate that its organization be amply adapted to these different circumstances of life.
- The Cenacula Sancti Hieronymi
- The Family of St. Jerome in its entirety encompasses small groups of a certain number of members who have a common place where they can meet. These groups and their meeting place are called
- These Cenacula Sancti Hieronymi, which might be quite different according to local conditions and other circumstances, are separated into three classifications: ORDINARIA, SCHOLASTICA, and MONASTICA. These three classifications together, formed as if in concentric circles, build up the whole Family of Saint Jerome.
- The Cenacula Sancti Hieronymi Ordinaria
- Those members of the Family of Saint Jerome living in the same vicinity should strive to meet at certain times in a suitable place to pray and speak together in Latin, to the extent that they can; where they are able, they should also participate in the Holy Mass celebrated in Latin (cfr. Ch. II, par. 3, litt. [d].). These groups of members in a given locality are called
- Although it is desirable that every member belong to such a CENACULUM ORDINARIUM so as to meet with other members, no one will be excluded who lives so distant from other members that he cannot come together with others in a Cenaculum.
Those who live in such circumstances as mentioned in [b] may also become members of the Family of Saint Jerome, provided that they observe faithfully all the obligations otherwise required of the members, as described in Articles I and II. These isolated members should also try, in whatever way they can, to maintain contact with the wider Family of Saint Jerome.
- The Cenacula Sancti Hieronymi Scholastica
- It is to be hoped that with the grace of God and in accordance with different local conditions there will be established
Cenacula Sancti Hieronymi Scholastica
i.e., Cenacula where certain agreed upon activities pertaining to the ends of the association may be carried out by the work of the members, such as
- The whole Family of St. Jerome should hold the Cenacula Scholastica in high esteem, and the Cenacula Ordinaria should try to be as helpful to them as they can.
- The Cenacula Sancti Hieronymi Monastica
- The spiritual center of the whole Family of Saint Jerome are those members who – attracted by God’s calling – live in a religious community and dedicate themselves completely to prayer and holy studies. These communities are called
- The members of those communities will use the Latin language not only in prayer and holy studies, but also in their daily work and conversation.
Those communities will follow the special rules appropriate to them, according to the canons of the Code of Canon Law.
- The Seat.
- The “Seat” of the whole association called “Familia Sancti Hieronymi” is, unless and until a change may be made in the future, the place where this association was founded, i.e., Clearwater, Florida, U.S.A.
The Consilium Generale has the competence to transfer the Seat of the association elsewhere.
It is also within the competence of the Consilium Generale to consider the question of erecting regional seats in addition to the Central Seat and to determine their function.
- The Government.
- The Præses Generalis paternally heads the whole Family of Saint Jerome. He is assisted by two advisors. Acting together these three form the Consilium Generale. The Consilium Generale has the right to admit other members to assist in its functions.
All matters that concern the entire Family of St. Jerome are within the care of the Consilium Generale. The Consilium Generale may delegate certain matters to others.
If one of the members of the Consilium Generale resigns for just reasons, or dies, the other members of the Consilium Generale shall elect a substitute.
Within each Cenaculum Sancti Hieronymi all matters that concern the members should be decided in a spirit of concord and collegiality, as in any true family.
The Cenacula Sancti Hieronymi Monastica will be governed by the pertinent corresponding canons of the Code of Canon Law and by the statutes of each particular Cenaculum S. H. Monasticum, approved by the competent ecclesiastical authority.
- The Admission of Members, and their promise of fidelity.
- Norms for membership are stated In Article I., par. 1 – 3 of this Constitution.
The candidate commences to be a member of the Family of Saint Jerome the day his rescript of admission is issued by the Consilium Generale.
The new member, asking for admission, promises with the help of God to be faithful to the threefold purpose of the Family of Saint Jerome. This promise should be renewed frequently in the heart of every member.
Every member of the Family of Saint Jerome, after having adhered faithfully to the threefold purpose of this association for a triennium, should renew his promise solemnly in a Cenaculum Sancti Hieronymi in the presence of other members.
The formula of the promise will be the following: “With the Help of God I promise to the Blessed Virgin Mary and to Saint Jerome, our patron Saint,
- first of all: a sincere love of the Holy Father and a devoted obedience to His Supreme Magisterium;
secondly; an intense commitment to the spiritual life, striving to union with God, according to the teaching and the example of so many saints;
finally: the constant study and use of Latin, the living language of the Roman Catholic Church.”
- Membership in the Family of St. Jerome ceases:
- The Possession and Administration of Property
- The Family of Saint Jerome as a whole has the right to acquire, possess, and administer property. The Consilium Generale, representing the entire Family of Saint Jerome, administers these properties for the common good of the whole association.
The single Cenacula Sancti Hieronymi also have the right to acquire, to possess, and to administer property; the manner of administration shall be decided by each cenaculum.
If the Family of Saint Jerome should dissolve, its existing property shall be transferred to a religious Order chosen by the Consilium Generale at the time of dissolution.
- Further Regulations
- The Consilium Generale may promulgate such further norms and regulations as it deems appropriate.
Given in Clearwater, Florida, on the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, 1989.
/s/ Reverend Suitbert Siedl of Saint John of the Cross, O.C.D.
/s/ Jan G. Halisky
(This Constitution was approved in accordance with canon 322 of the Code of Canon Law by Bishop John C. Favalora of the Diocese of St. Petersburg, Florida, per rescript dated December 5, 1990.)
It should be understood by what is said in Article III (2) (b) and (c) of this Constitution that all persons of the Catholic faith may be members of the Family of St. Jerome if they consent to the three ends of this Family; that is, if they
- Profess a sincere love and filial obedience to the Supreme Pontiff;
Faithfully cultivate the spiritual life, which leads to intimate union with God, following the example of the saints;
Value the Latin language for its great importance as the living language of the Church.
It is therefore not required of each the members
- that they dedicate each day to intense Latin exercises so that they will soon know the language well. It is enough that they value the language highly as the Church’s own and, insofar as it is possible without inconvenience, that they desire to learn at least some things in the language, such as certain texts of the Holy Mass and certain liturgical chants.
Nor is it required of the members
- that they undertake any special activity to which they feel they are not equal.
Nor is it required (as was previously stated in Article III n. 2 let. b of this Constitution)
- that single members come together at appointed times, or that they belong to a certain cenaculum in a given location, if they are unable. It is enough that, in whatever way they can, they maintain a bond and union – especially spiritual – with the whole Family of St. Jerome and that they observe those matters set forth in Articles I and II of the Constitution in light of AMENDMENT II.
Those matters which are set forth in Article II, numbers 1, 2, and especially 3 (about the study and use of the Latin language) should not be understood in the sense of a burdensome list which would impose on the members the performance of everything enumerated therein.
Except as concerns those means for cultivating the spiritual life which obligates all men and women of the Catholic faith (the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, sacramental confession, Holy Communion, the duty of praying and other things of this kind), the enumeration of means for attaining the three ends of this Family should be understood as giving examples from which members may select those things which accord with those ends and which are suitable to the members themselves.
With regard to the learning of the Latin language, we have explained in AMENDMENT I that no one agreeing to the purposes of the Family of St. Jerome will be excluded from membership.
Moreover, those who by patient and persevering study are able to come to a greater or even perfect use of the Latin language, let them not omit these studies, and let them faithfully dedicate at least a short time each day to them. Moreover, priests who are members of our Family should be mindful of canon 249 of the new Code of Canon Law which prescribes that they be well-versed in the Latin language.
Those who desire to become members of the Family of St. Jerome with a sincere heart, but due to some reason can not yet complete every prerequisite so as to become members, may be accepted as “associate members” by the Consilium Generale.
These “associate members” strive to complete faithfully those things that are in their power according to the norms and spirit of the whole Family of St. Jerome; while others that they cannot, or cannot yet do, they will commend to the Lord’s mercy.
If however prior impediments should be removed, there is nothing to prevent such associate members becoming full members of the Family of Saint Jerome in accordance with Ch. IV, par. 3, of this Constitution. If any associate member so wishes, it should be requested from the Consilium Generale by requesting a full admission.
Moreover, those who by patient and persevering study are able to come to a greater or even perfect use of the Latin language, let them not omit these studies, and let them faithfully dedicate at least a short time each day to them. Moreover, priests who are members of our Family should be mindful of canon 249 of the new Code of Canon Law which prescribes that they be well-versed in the Latin language.
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